Saturday, November 17, 2012

Birds of Summer 2012

This is my Five on Friday post.....on Saturday! I started getting this ready yesterday, and my husband came home and presented me with a very cool Kindle Fire HD for my birthday. Can you say distraction? So this post didn't get finished til this morning but I had fun playing with my new toy!
As I was doing some more keywording of my photos this week, I noticed how often I take bird pictures. I love the variety of birds (like I enjoy the variety in mushrooms)! They are so unique and interesting.
You can see other Five on Friday posts by clicking this banner:
I am sure there will be lots of treasures there to see!


  1. Hope you had a very happy birthday! I like the top right picture - the bird seems puzzled by his own shadow!

  2. Happy Birthday! Wonderful collage.

  3. What a great present! I love the woodpecker. I see one in the woods by me often when I walk in the afternoon. Never ceases to amaze me, the beauty of them.
